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[E] KiD_CoDy13
[E] KiD_CoDy13
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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I wasnt thinking just started hitting it and it broke and i said to myself OHH SHIT IM SCREWED!!
over 13 years ago
i dont know how to make a coal ore block:( i asked how to and no one told me.
over 13 years ago
Username:Kid_CoDy13 When you were banned : (Date.) not sure when Person who banned you: not sure Reason you were banned: umm if its about the homedepot thing, i was going to replace but i couldnt do anything about it and it was an accident but i didnt mean to do it i will repay him in anyway or do some free work for him (community servis).
over 13 years ago
KiD_cody13 I havent been on in a while and i tried to get on and now im ban:(
over 13 years ago
Had reborn build a house for me I had a chest that had supplys in it and by accident I put lapis blocks in. When I asked him he said that he didnt have them .when I went to his house to his house I found them and he told me that they were mine . And he said I can take them so I did that's when I got ban.
over 13 years ago